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CMS "GIRVAS" is a multilingual, multidisciplinary free content management system with open source from Karelian developers Garbalo, aimed at creating an optimized web resource in terms of loading speed of its content, creation of a web resource of any direction with the ability to publish content in different languages ​​with the possibility of subsequent indexing by search engines. The system began to be developed in 2021 by individual entrepreneur Andrey Shestakov. The control system is written in the general-purpose programming language PHP without the use of third-party frameworks. Based on its own engine.

On June 17, 2024, the program was registered in the Register of Computer Programs through the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, and on November 27 of the same year, based on the minutes of the meeting of the expert council on software of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the CMS "GIRVAS" software was entered into the Register of Russian Software.


  • Possibility of indexing by search engine robots of content in several languages at the same location;
  • Support for MarkDown markup (ParseDown library);
  • Built-in analytics tools traffic to the website and its individual components (web pages);
  • Availability of a modular system;
  • Availability of a programmable template system;


Start page of the administrative panel of CMS GIRVASMultilingual post editing page

Development team

Andrey Shestakov Alexander Avdeev Dmitry Sobenin Ilya Kovalchuk
Andrey Shestakov Alexander Avdeev Dmitry Sobenin Ilya Kovalchuk
Team Leader, Lead Developer CMS GIRVAS Layout of CMS templates API testing API testing, searching for vulnerabilities



Certificate of state registration of the computer program CMS GIRVAS

Legal information

GIRVAS Content Management System is free software that can only be distributed by the official supplier of this software. Currently, such a supplier is Individual entrepreneur Shestakov Andrey Ruslanovich (OGRNIP 323100000029062). Users who choose to use this software agree that they have reviewed and accepted the License Agreement.

ATTENTION! If the License Agreement is violated, the Licensor reserves the right to send a claim to the User (Licensee) demanding compliance with this License Agreement with the possibility of resolving the legal conflict out of court. Otherwise, the Licensor may file a lawsuit against the User.

Useful links